International Organizations
- Article: Corruption in the Police – The global experience of police corruption reform efforts
- World Economic Forum: The Future of Trust and Integrity
- European Parliament: Lobby Transparency in EU Member States: A Comparative Analysis
- World Bank: Improving Government Efficiency and Transparency: The Fight Against Corruption
- G20: Anti-Corruption Action Plan 2022-2024
- European Commission: Special Eurobarometer 523 – Corruption
- World Economic Forum: The Rise and Role of the Chief Integrity Officer: Leadership Imperatives in an ESG-Driven World
- G20: Principles for Promoting Integrity in the Public Sector Through the Use of Information and Communication Technologies
- Article: Are emerging technologies helping win the fight against corruption in developing countries?
- Study: Corruption Risk Assessment and Management Approaches in the Public Sector (TI)
- Council of Europe: Report: GRECO 2022 – Portugal
- UN: Guide to Anti-Corruption Risk Assessment
- OECD: Compendium of good practices on the publication and reuse of open data for Anti-corruption across G20 countries
- Hacking corruption in the digital era:How tech is shaping the future of integrity in times of crisis