This Second Compliance Report (GRECO Report 2022) assesses the measures taken by the Portuguese authorities to implement the recommendations made in the Fourth Evaluation Cycle Report onPortugal, on “Prevention of corruption in relation to members of parliament, judges and prosecutors”.
The Fourth Evaluation Cycle Report on Portugal was adopted by GRECO at its 70th Plenary Meeting (December 4, 2015) and made public on February 10, 2016, following authorization by Portugal (Greco Eval IV Rep(2015) 5E).3.The Compliance Report on Portugal (GrecoRC4(2017)23) was adopted by GRECO at its 78th Plenary Meeting (December 8, 2017) and made public on March 6, 2018, following authorization by Portugal. The report concluded that only one of the fifteen recommendations contained in the Fourth Evaluation Cycle Report had been implemented satisfactorily or developed satisfactorily and three had been partially implemented. In view of this result, GRECO concluded that the very low level of compliance with the recommendations was “globally unsatisfactory” within the meaning of Article 31(8.3) of the Internal Rules. Therefore, Greco decided to apply Article 32(2)(i) and requested additional information from the delegation of Portugal.
The Interim Compliance Report was adopted by GRECO at its 83rd Plenary Meeting (June 21, 2019) and made public on June 28, 2019, after authorization from Portugal. GRECO concluded that the level of compliance remained “unsatisfactory overall” and the Portuguese authorities were asked to provide additional information.
The Second Interim Compliance Report was adopted by GRECO at its 87th Plenary Meeting (March 25, 2021) and made public on April 12, 2021, after clearance from Portugal. In that report, GRECO concluded that three of the fifteen recommendations had been implemented satisfactorily or dealt with satisfactorily. Of the remaining recommendations, seven were partially implemented and five remained unimplemented. This slightly improved level of compliance with the recommendations is no longer “unsatisfactory overall” within the meaning of the revised Article 31(1). 8.3 of the Rules of Procedure. GRECO therefore decided not to continue to apply Article 32, concerning members found to be non-compliant with the recommendations contained in the Evaluation Report. According to article 31revised, n.8.2, of the Rules of Procedure, the Portuguese authorities were invited to submit additional information until March 31, 2022.6.The Status Report on the measures taken to implement the outstanding recommendations was received on March 24, 2022.
The Second Compliance Report assesses the implementation of the recommendations that were outstanding (i.e. recommendations i through viii, x-xi, xiii and xv) since the adoption of the Second Progress Report and makes an overall assessment of Portugal’s level of compliance with these recommendations.
Publication year: 2022
Promoter Entity: GRECO
More information: https://rm.coe.int/quarta-ronda-de-avaliacao-prevencao-da-corrupcao-de-parlamentares-juiz/1680a7e06a