The goal of this book is to create and offer reflection and working tools for cross-party collaboration around the design and implementation of new configurations and new consensus for the Portuguese parliamentary system.
It was not written to castigate the system, denigrate it, destroy it, or discredit it. The focus and discourse throughout the pages of this book are constructive and center on the possibility of institutional innovation and improvement of the parliamentary system from opportunities identified by the more than one thousand people who collaborated on this project.
It is an empirical, historical and positivist exercise, non-partisan, that starts from reality as it is at present to idealize how it could be in the future; and thus encourage new behaviors, attitudes and decisions by political actors.
Thus, this work is also an exercise in political philosophy, insofar as value judgments are issued around problems that need to be solved.
Publication year: 2020
Author: André Corrêa d’Almeida (Coord.)
Adjunct associate professor of International and Public Affairs and assistant director of the Master of Public Administration in Development Practice at Columbia University (New York). He is the scientific coordinator of Smarter New York City: How City Agencies Innovate, published by Columbia University Press in 2018, the creator of the Circular City Research Journal and the ARCx-Applied Research for Change innovation network. He collaborates, as senior advisor, with the United Nations Development Programme. For over 20 years, he has held leadership roles in entrepreneurship, consulting, and academic work in the United States, Europe, Central Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and China. He holds a PhD from the University of Colorado Denver (USA), a Master in Management from the University of Saint Joseph (China), and a Bachelor in Economics from the New University of Lisbon (Portugal).
Co-founder and President of the All4Integrity Association.
Publisher: Principia
More information: https://principia.pt/livro/reforma-do-sistema-parlamentar-em-portugal
Learn a little more about the author in the interview for Kuriakos TV’s “À Conversa com…” program: