There is growing interest among policy makers, planners, and donors in how corruption affects health care access and outcomes, and what can be done to combat corruption in the health sector. Efforts to explain the risk of abuse of entrusted power for private benefit have examined the links between corruption and various aspects of management, financing, and governance. Behavioral scientists and anthropologists also point to individual and social characteristics that influence the behavior of government officials and clients. This article presents a comprehensive framework and set of methodologies for describing and measuring how opportunities, pressures, and rationalizations influence corruption in the health care sector. The article discusses implications for intervention and presents examples of how theory has been applied in research and practice. Challenges of adapting anti-corruption strategies to particular contexts and future directions for research are addressed. (Translation)
Year of publication: 2008
Author: Taryn Vian
Promoter Entity: Health Policy and Planning (Scientific Journal)
See more: https://academic.oup.com/heapol/article/23/2/83/590549