This report is made within the Anti MatchFixing Top Training (AMATT) project, and was funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus + program. Coordinated by Transparency and Integrity, this project is implemented in six countries, besides Portugal: Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Here, data from a first phase of the project resulting from a questionnaire are presented in order to generate a database to support the understanding of result manipulation and the development of education/training programs that can effectively combat the match-fixing problem. In the authors’ understanding, the perceptions of the sports actors are essential for understanding the phenomenon, especially its challenges.
Publication Year: 2018
Author: Marcelo Moriconi Bezerra
Promoter Entity: Transparency and Integrity
See more: https://transparencia.pt/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/AMATT-estudo-exploratC3B3rio-2018-.pdf