Teaching Materials
This page, which is constantly being updated, serves as a support for teachers and students. Here you will find resources that the different subjects inside the classroom can use.
Civic Education; 9th grade; High School
#Portuguese #Philosophy #History #Mathematics #MACS #Law #Economics #PoliticalScience #Arts #Design
For decades, Whistleblowers have inspired many films. They portrayed the moral dilemma that a human being can face when faced with transgression, the implications of exposing the truth, and the impact of the often-shocking revelations.
Moral dilemmas, ethics, transparency and integrity.
Here is a list of 11 films that might be a good starting point for discussing with your students.
The Institutions and the Fight against Corruption
- National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2020-2024 (pdf)
- Anti-Corruption Agenda (PDF)
- Associação Transparência e Integridade, Associação Cívica (TI-PT)
- Portal da Transparência Municipal
- Direção-Geral da Política de Justiça
- Our World in Data - I
- Our World in Data - II
- OCDE “Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico” ANTI-CORRUPTION & INTEGRITY HUB
- Transparency International
- Comissão Europeia - What we do on Corruption
- Data Europa - Portal Oficial dos Dados Europeus
- GRECO - Committed to Fighting Corruption
- Parlamento Europeu - Corruption
- Parlamento Europeu - Integrity
- Parlamento Europeu - Transparency
- ONU News
- Gabinete das Nações Unidas para as Drogas e o Crime
- Nações Unidas – Centro Regional de Informação para a Europa Ocidental
- Banco Mundial Worldwide Governance Indicators