Knowledge that promotes organizational integrity

What do we propose?
Academia is the fourth programmatic area that we have launched and it has two components: research and training.
Far beyond the minimum compliance requirements, our Academy helps organizations to enhance and raise the bar in terms of transparency and organizational integrity, inspired by the values and vision of those in charge and amplified by national and international best practices.
We propose a path of integrity for all organizations, regardless of the starting circumstances that characterize each of them.
What do we offer?
- Mapping risk factors
- Identifying priorities in risk management and mitigation
- Definition of training needs vis-à-vis organizational objectives and identified risks
- Design of customized training programs for transparency and organizational integrity
- Execution/facilitation of the program adapted to the context of each Organization
- Evaluation of the impact of the quality of the training on people and the organization and the results obtained
- Draw up (or revise) the Code of Ethics (conduct and ethics manual)
- Draw up (or review) the anti-corruption plan (plan for the Prevention of Risks of Corruption and Related Offenses).
- Step Plan to respond to Law no. 93/2021 and establish the General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption (“RGPC”)
Who is it for?
The All4Integrity Academy is aimed at public and private organizations that want to strengthen their ethical foundations and promote a culture of integrity and transparency.
Focused in particular on companies, government entities and municipalities, our academy offers customized training programs for leaders, employees and teams.
Regardless of the sector, our trainings are designed to support institutions seeking not only to comply with regulations, but also to establish a solid reputation based on ethical values, strengthening trust with their stakeholders.
Through fundamentally practical content, we help organizations to be at the forefront of ethics, integrity and transparency, preparing their professionals to deal with organizational ethical challenges in an increasingly complex and demanding environment.
How are we different?
It doesn't follow any ideological, political or religious line.
On the topic of integrity, transparency, anti-corruption and ethics. No training on other topics.
It balances theory and concepts with a practical sense of the regular use of the contents, tools and techniques taught in a working environment.
It balances theory and concepts with a practical sense of the regular use of the contents, tools and techniques taught in a working environment.
It approaches the issue of corruption from the perspective of a constructive organizational path based on incremental innovation of practices and processes.
It focuses on direct impacts, including, but not limited to, the dissemination of values throughout the organization, the development of internal commitment documents, the mitigation of business risk factors, the improvement of working conditions, and the individual and collective satisfaction of employees, collaborators and stakeholders.
We develop various modules and can build programs tailored to the client's interests/needs...
Training Areas

It offers a solid foundation in ethics to ensure that all employees and managers understand and implement responsible practices. The training covers the construction of conduct manuals, codes of ethics and risk matrices, as well as preparing participants to develop anti-corruption prevention plans and strengthen internal control mechanisms. This cluster is essential for organizations that wish not only to comply with regulations, but also to build a reputation for transparency and integrity, which translates into trust and credibility with partners and stakeholders.
Training modules:
- Introduction to ethics and integrity
- Ethics and integrity in business
- Ethics and AI
- Corporate governance
- Preventing corruption
- Ethical complaints and communication channels
This cluster focuses on training professionals to deal with complex challenges in an ethical and conscious manner. Through practical simulations, case studies and critical analysis exercises, participants are exposed to real ethical dilemmas that promote the strengthening of individual and institutional competencies. The approach allows them to develop a critical vision and a practical response to scenarios in which ethics is put to the test, preparing them to be agents of change and benchmarks in ethical conduct within their organizations.
Training modules:
- Ethical decision-making
- Unconscious bias
- Deontology
This cluster deals with organizational ethics in depth, integrating values, behaviors and practices that foster a solid ethical culture. It includes topics such as defining purpose, ethical leadership and examples of role models. Training here is not limited to compliance: its aim is to inspire and strengthen the ethical principles that guide collective behavior and corporate governance, promoting practices that go beyond mere compliance. By consolidating an ethical culture, organizations not only increase the involvement and purpose of their employees, but also become a benchmark in the market.
Training modules:
- Building a culture of ethics and integrity
- Purpose, ethical values, culture & behaviors
- Leadership and role modelling
In this cluster, the focus is on the continuity and adaptation of ethics and integrity practices, reinforcing the importance of monitoring and constantly improving internal processes. The training guides organizations to establish and evaluate key performance indicators, implement regular compliance assessments and adjust policies based on feedback and results obtained. This cluster is vital for ensuring that these topics are always in line with best practices, transforming ethics training into a practice that keeps pace with the evolution of the corporate and regulatory environment.
Training modules:
- Risk assessment
- Monitoring, benchmarking & transparent feedback
Customized training
Each institution is unique and the road to integrity begins with tailor-made solutions. Our training courses are developed collaboratively, adapting content and methodologies to meet the respective organizational needs.