In fact, in a world shaken by the rise and extension of the phenomenon of corruption, which affects and wears down the democratic environment, the book Transparency, compliance, and anti-corruption practices in public administration reveals the notorious function of this instrument in achieving good government, a goal sought by all those who work to improve democracy.
Starting from the biggest idea, which is the rule of law formula that supports the democratic regime adopted today, Professor Ana Flávia Messa demonstrates the different tasks of the transparency principle, claiming for its recognition as a maximum to conduct and guide the real implementation of the Good Government goal. In Presentation, by Monica Herman Caggiano.
Publication year: 2019
Author: Ana Flávia Messa
D. in Public Law from the University of Coimbra (Portugal) and a Ph.D. in State Law from the University of São Paulo Law School (Brazil). Master in Political and Economic Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (Brazil). In 19989, he graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (Brazil). He has experience in the area of Law, with emphasis in Public Law, working mainly in the following subjects: criminal, tax, constitutional and administrative law. Member of the São Paulo Academy of Legal Letters (APLJ) and of the Scientific Council of the Brazilian Academy of Tax Law (ABDT). Invited Professor for the Specialization Course in State Law at the State University of Londrina (Brazil) and for the Civil Procedural Law Course at the São Bernardo do Campo Law School (Brazil).
Publisher: Livraria Almedina
More information: https://www.almedina.net/transpar-ncia-compliance-e-pr-ticas-anticorrup-o-na-administra-o-p-blica-1573819809.html
ISBN: 9788584935154